Flat (From Live in Ireland) 10.1.12 (J. Purvis)

This tune actually has three verses, but because the black pudding I’d eaten earlier in the day was causing me so much distress by the time we got to the end of our set, we didn’t even do the last one.  Steve and Randy were truly throwing down: I mostly had just stayed out of their way, marking time.  We exchanged a couple of glances during the closing riff and closed it all down, with me literally running offstage while Steve told the audience good-bye.

Nevertheless, I’ve included all three verses here:


If you’re out for laughs, friend

They’re not what you think at all

You won’t get the joke, friend

By hanging your soul on the wall

The world is round, but the people inside are flat

And it doesn’t take a genius to see that


If you’re out for love, friend

Be careful where you look

It’s a priesthood of thieves, friend

And they’re liable to get you hooked

The world is round, but the people inside are flat

And it doesn’t take a genius to see that


(If you’re out for god, friend

Well, don’t shake his hand too fast

He might be a fraud, friend

And he’ll be the one laughin’ last

The world is round, but the people inside are flat

And it doesn’t take a genius to see that)